What Angels See

Kilmurry Matthew
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Pauline Books & Media US
Sara Quinn is an ordinary girl preparing for her First Communion. She doesn't know it yet, but something extraordinary is about to happen! Join her on an amazing, imaginative adventure. The way Sara Quinn sees the world changes as she glimpses the spiritual reality that surrounds us at every moment—the miraculous world that angels see!
7.25 x 9.25
Matthew Kilmurry is the former director of marketing for the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB). A revert, he felt called to return to the Church because of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He wrote What Angels See when his oldest daughter, Sara Quinn, was preparing for her First Communion. He wanted to show Sara the amazing spiritual world alive all around us, most especially in the Eucharist. He now has eight children, three of whom have yet to read the story. He hopes this book ignites many children's imaginations and opens the doors of their hearts to their guardian angels, the saints in heaven, and most especially our Lord Jesus Christ.
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