Teens Share The Word

Dateno & Marsh
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Pauline Books & Media B
The Word of God can touch us like no other book can. And once we have been touched by it, we cannot keep to ourselves how it has changed us. Teens Share the Word is a testament to what can happen when we pray with Scripture. The teens who contributed to this book all have experienced the power of the Word of God in all areas of their lives--relationships, school, and more--and now they would like to share it with you! A special section of appendices details how to look up a passage in the Bible, explains how to pray with Scripture using the method of lectio divina (holy reading), and includes prayers to the Holy Spirit.
4.30 x 6.10
"As an editor of this book, I had the wonderful experience of reading submissions for this book from teens from all over the country, sharing a quotation from Scripture along with a testimony as to how this Scripture passage has made a difference in their lives... I was blown away by some of their reflections!"
- Sr Maria Grace Dateno, FSP, author of Gospel Time Trekker series

This book was created by the many teens who sumitted reflections on their experience of the Word of God. It was a privilege to receive and read so many beautiful testimonies to God's grace working in the lives of young people today. We were not abe to use all the materials submitted, but we extend our deepest gratitude to each perso who contributed.

This is a great little book because it is written by teens and addresses issues that are of concern to them. It has short entries so the book can be picked up and read for just a few minutes or for a longer time. I like the messages of hope and encouragement.
Amazon review

This book is nice- it's set up into different sections with short Bible verses and reflections written by teens on each verse. The reflections are appealing and engaging for kids, but still very orthodox and spiritually meaningful. I have had a hard time finding books suitable for my 10-12 year olds (teen stuff has some content that is a bit too much, kid's books are too juvenile.) This book is just right- I've bought 2 copies already.
mom of 4 girls, Amazon review

This book has been a terrific addition to the morning ride to school for my 14 year old daughter and me. It opens the door for communicating and getting to know each other at a deeper level, enhancing both of our relationships with God. It talks in language that a teenager can relate to. I highly recommend it!!
desir001, Amazon review

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