of Human Life (Annotated Ed) Humanae Vitae

Pope Paul VI
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Pauline Books & Media B
Fifty years after its release, Humanae Vitae remains as important and prophetic than ever. This annotated anniversary edition of this landmark encyclical letter by Pope Paul VI features clarifying footnotes and an illuminating foreward to help modern readers understand and participate more fully in the document's wisdom and guidance. In the foreword, Helen M. Alvaré, a law professor, speaker, and consultant for the Vatican and the U.S. bishops, provides important historical context for understanding Humanae Vitae and points out several ways that Paul VI was prophetic with his teaching. The text of Humanae Vitae is enhanced by helpful notes by Sister Marianne Lorraine Trouvé, FSP, which clarify and explain points that have been commonly misunderstood or especially contentious.
5.00 x 7.25
Pope Saint Paul VI was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1897 and served as pope from 1963-1978. He was canonized by Pope Francis in 2018. Commentator Helen M. Alvaré is a law professor, speaker, and consultant for the Vatican and the U.S. bishops. She is the author of many books, and her publications regularly appear in law reviews, academic journals, and major news outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and CNN.com.
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