Memento Mori An Advent Companion On The Last Things.

Noble Theresa Aletheia
Special Price $28.25 Regular Price $34.95
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Pauline Books & Media US

Memento mori or “remember your death” is a phrase long associated with the practice of remembering the unpredictable and inevitable end of one’s life. 

Memento Mori: An Advent Companion on the Last Things is the latest in a series of books by Theresa Noble, that explores this traditional Christian practice of meditation on death in light of Christ.

Advent might seem like a liturgical season in which meditation on death and the other Last Things (judgment, hell, and heaven) is not appropriate. But, in times past, Advent was recognized as the perfect time to take a hard look at all the Last Things. In some parishes, priests used to give sermons on each of the Last Things to correspond to the four Sundays of Advent. 

This book will help you to explore the reality that Advent means nothing without recognizing that Jesus came to save us from death, humanity’s most intimidating enemy and impossible adversary. Jesus was born to die so that we may live. Remembering this reality in light of our death changes lives.

7.00 x 9.00
Theresa Noble has a skull on her desk as a memento mori, a reminder of her inevitable death. The ancient tradition of remembering death—encouraged by Scripture, early Church Fathers, and many saints—has changed her life and led to greater union with God. You can find her tweets about memento mori and reminders that we all are going to die @pursuedbytruth and
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