Lights Camera Faith (B) Movie Lovers Guide To Scripture

Malone & Pacatte
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Pauline Books & Media US
Engage faith through culture and culture through faith with this fresh take on the Sunday Scripture readings through the lens of movies. Co-authored by Catholic media literacy experts and film critics Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, and Father Peter Malone, MSC, this insightful resource for Bible study leaders, homilists, and religious educators models faith-filled, critical engagement with popular culture while illuminating the truth of the Gospel. The book explores seventy-four movies in light of the Sunday Scripture readings from liturgical Cycle B, each of which features a movie synopsis, film commentary, dialogue with the Sunday Scriptures, points for reflection and conversation, and suggested prayers.
7.00 x 9.20
Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, is a media literacy education specialist, film critic, and the founding director of the Pauline Media Center (formerly the Pauline Center for Media Studies) in Culver City, California. Sister Rose has given presentations and courses on media literacy around the globe and has co-authored many books on film, scripture, and media literacy education. Father Peter Malone, MSC, is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart who has taught Old Testament Studies and Theology at the Yarra Theological Union, Melbourne, Australia. He also headed the Catholic Film Offices of the Pacific and was president of SIGNIS (World Catholic Association for Communication) from 2001-2005. He has written a number of books on religion and film.

"The drama of popular culture is used as a bridge to connect us with the drama of the Mass-the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus."
Michael J. Daley, St. Anthony Messenger

"This is a wonderful new resource that pairs a host of popular, 'secular,' films with lectionary readings. It is full of rich resources for integrating faith and films."
Mary Hess, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Luther Seminary

"Lights, Camera... Faith! is the most imaginative and engaging contemporary contribution to the art of preaching, making Hollywood a splendid resource for the pulpit. The homilies are still to be written and some of the films to be seen, but the method is now ours for the taking!"
Walter J. Burghardt, SJ, Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University

"Clearly, Peter Malone and Rose Pacatte love movies, love Jesus, and love the Church. Use this book as a guide for selecting and reflecting on your next video from Blockbuster. It is excellent!"
Robert K. Johnston, Ph.D., Fuller Seminary, CA., Author, Reel Spirituality

"Malone has a deep theological and aesthetic appreciation for movies as vehicles of revelation."
The Rev. Canon Bill Lewellis, Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, PA

"A great service to the Church!"
Sandra Bowden, President, Christians in the Visual Arts

"An invaluable resource for preachers, educators, discussion leaders, and anyone who simply appreciates a fresh take on Scripture."
Richard A. Blake, SJ, America, film reviewer, Co-director of Film Studies, Boston College

"This book, integrating spirituality and film, is long overdue. Everyone will want it on their shelf!"
Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, D.Min., Member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications

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