John Henry Newman Ex Libris

Marr Ryan
Special Price $7.50 Regular Price $18.25
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Pauline Books & Media US
Saint John Henry Newman has been called the "absent Father of Vatican II" thanks to the ways his writings on conscience, religious liberty, the vocation of laypeople, and other topics shaped the documents of the Second Vatican Council. This prolific saint and convert to Catholicism authored 40 books and 21,000 letters—a dizzying resume for those interested in reading John Henry Newman but not sure where to start! This small volume, part of the Ex libris series, introduces readers to the writing, theology, and thought of Saint John Henry Newman, one of the most important English-speaking Catholic theologians of the nineteenth century. Unlike other books on Newman, which are biographical or offer high-level scholarly discussions of his thought, this book hones in on some of the most important quotations from Newman's writings on faith, holiness, trust in Divine Providence, and other devotional topics, and organizes them to facilitate personal reflection. A set of discussion questions in the back of the book also makes this a handy title for small faith formation groups. Carefully compiled by Ryan Marr, director of the National Institute for Newman Studies and associate editor of the Newman Studies Journal, these illuminating excerpts will awaken your interest in this influential thinker and saint.
5.00 x 7.25
Ryan ("Bud") Marr is the director of the National Institute for Newman Studies, associate editor of the Newman Studies Journal, and author of several books. His research interests include the life and writings of John Henry Newman, ecclesiology, and the reception of Vatican II.
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