How To Make a Holy Hour

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Our Sunday Visitor

A Holy Hour gives us the opportunity to honor Our Lord's request and place ourselves before Him. We join our own prayers, works, joys, and sufferings with His and "by the mercies of God, present [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is [our] spiritual worship" (Romans 12:1).

How to Make a Holy Hour gives us suggestions on how to make a Holy Hour.

The Holy Hour is given us by the Church not as a law or set of rules to keep, but as an opportunity for an open encounter with the Living God. The suggestions given in this pamphlet are just that -- suggestions. There are many other ways to celebrate a Holy Hour: praying a Rosary, praying a Litany of the Divine Praises, devoting specific periods of prayer to particular needs or particular people, taking time for "holy study," and simply finding a good spiritual writer to read, using the time before celebrating the Sacrament of Penance to do an examination of consicience, or singing hymns. There are countless other ways to meet with God. What matters is that your encounter with Him be sincere and prayerful, with a genuine openness to let God just look at you (all of you) as you look at Him, allowing the distance between you to diminish.


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